In fact every agency should have anĀ Easter&Lynch! We take pride in not only getting the job done but also taking the time to be personal with the people we are working for and with. Variety is the spice of life and its our ablity to listen and observe which has won us so many work collegues and friends over the years!
[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]Mr Easter[/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]My Lynch[/su_column][/su_row]
[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]was born in Odense in 1966. From an early stage he was interested in Music and Technology. To be able afford his hobbies he started cleaning in a Printers at the age of 12. He was amazed at the sight of a letterpress printer, and later went on to be a delivery boy in a repro company at the age of 14. He later became a scanner operator, and since bought the first Apple Mac – then he discovered Programming… He went on to further his career in London, Hamburg and Berlin. Always being critical – and never afraid to say so, he always looks at how to optimize tedious tasks. If a computer can do it, lets use it – work has to be Fun![/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]was born in Dublin, Ireland in 1971. The youngest of 5 children all of which creative in their own way. At the age of six Damien won a school drawing competition. From then on he never stopped. At eight he found his sisters Vogue magazine and instantly knew that when he grew up he wanted to somehow work with fashion or graphics, check for jeux casino en ligne more. After knocking on many of Dublins fashion agencies he finally got four years apprentishship, to become a stylist. After this time he moved to Hamburg Germany where he lived, worked, partied and loved for eighteen years, before moving to Odense Denmark in 2011.[/su_column][/su_row]
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