Here lies the key to achieving a successfull result. From oldschool to the latest inovations – we alway work in a optimised manner. Mr Easter was Production Manager at Springer&Jacoby – Lead-Agency for Mercedes-Benz, Colour Correction Expert at Sotheby’s London. From stamps to billboards he’s done it all.

Final Artwork is not just Final Artwork, it is also the art of percieving where added value could be drawn from this process. For Mercedes-Benz it made sence to spend a little more time working with Stylesheets in InDesign to allow for a much easier Translation Process later on in the chain of events. For this reason “Prepress Toolkit” was born – from idear to final programmed Application – Mr Easter created it all at casino en ligne .The result: An optimized Workflow where the Client saved extreme man hours by being able to reuse prior translated Text for Web for the translation for Print!

Mr Lynch has worked on many Campaigns and Promotions through the years. From Concept, Planning, target-group analyzation to finished project. He’s also a great teamplayer and works well with other Designers… For example, the Design Campaign on this page was worked out together with one of Fyns finest Concepters – Troels Berg!